During FOSDEM, people asked me fresh questions about the dramas and falsified statements distributed on some Debian web sites.
I want to make it as easy as possible for people to see that some of those documents are forged and fraudulent so I've extracted the relevant snippets of the documents here.
Here is one of the statements that is obviously a lie:
The Debian Project will continue to take all necessary measures to protect and defend its trademarks and other interests.
We can fact check and verify that statement is a lie very easily. Using services like DNSlytics, we can search the database of all domain names and find out how many contain the Debian trademark. There are over 2,655 domain names containing the trademark:
The Debian Social Contract says "We won't hide problems" but it turns out the social contract is not honoured. What we have is a lie to cover up another lie. A layer cake of lies for Debian's birthday, the Debian Day, being the day a volunteer organized his suicide. The layer cake of lies seeks to obfuscate that death.
The suicide of Ian Murdock was widely reported. They even had a ceremony for him at FOSDEM.
Discussing other suicides was very inconvenient. Frans Pop had made written complaints before he died. We can go to the web site of the medical examiner in San Francisco and download the report about Ian Murdock. Why can't we talk about Frans Pop and Adrian von Bidder, discussed as if it was a copy-cat suicide just a few months later?. Here is the key part of the legal documents where they seek to hide it:
Translated from French to English, it says that people asked if Debian might be responsible for the suicide and Debian is wrongly accused of covering up the suicide. étouffer is the French verb for cover-up. Here is the message where Joerg Jaspert covers it up:
Subject: Privacy of -private list ; missing even one bit of common sense and decency Date: Sun, 22 Aug 2010 00:28:34 +0200 From: Joerg Jaspert <joerg@debian.org> Reply-To: Debian Account Managers <da-manager@debian.org> Organization: Goliath-BBS To: pascal@debian.org, lidaobing@debian.org CC: debian-private@lists.debian.org, listmaster@lists.debian.org ... Unfortunately we also had the misfortune to read information on twitter that, to our current knowledge, must have been gathered from this -private list. We think this a very unfortunate event that is missing every kind of common sense and decency, and therefore saw forced to suspend the accounts of the people leaked from membership on this list. Pascal/Lia Daobing: You both are no longer subscribed to debian-private, for the next 4 weeks. The one and only reason this list exists is to have a place where we can share information that is not immediately leaked into the public. Twitter is not -private. Please, in the future, respect the rules of the environment you are in, especially in such a special case like this.
Frans Pop had made his grievances public before he killed himself. Therefore, the volunteers being punished had very good reason to express concerns publicly too.
Therefore, the legal documents, written in French, are fraudulent. They say there was no cover-up but these punishments were a very big cover-up.
Debian is a portmanteau of the names Deb and Ian. It is not uncommon to create names like this in the technology space.
At some point volunteers started using the moniker Mollamby to express concerns about a perceived relationship between Molly and Lamb. That is, Molly de Blanc and Chris Lamb. I feel the Mollamby phrase also represents the wider problem of relationships and conflicts of interest in Debian. These relationships are deterring talented women from Debian.
Here is the point in the legal documents where they become hysterical about people using the moniker Mollamby:
In any serious organization, the names of colleagues would not be broadcast in public. In this case, it was Chris Lamb and Molly de Blanc who started naming people. Lamb spread rumors about my family and now everybody's name is up for discussion. Molly de Blanc stood up at FOSDEM in 2019 and asked people to join a "whisper network". Now they spent $120,000 on legal fees to try and stop people talking again. If a woman publicly advocates gossip about other volunteers and our families, why can't we ask who put that woman up on the podium at FOSDEM?
Here is the moment where de Blanc boasts about a whisper network. In other words, de Blanc has consented to discussions like this in February 2019. The Mollamby nickname only appeared in public six months later at DebConf19 in Brazil. I never saw anybody using terms like Mollamby before FOSDEM published this "whisper network" philosophy.
You lean on the whisper network which is people sharing information amongst one another
Here is the message from Nicolas Dandrimont when he asked me to consider his girlfriend for an Outreachy internship:
Subject: Recusing myself from Outreachy applicant selection decisions, internships funding Date: Fri, 14 Oct 2016 12:37:46 +0200 From: Nicolas Dandrimont <olasd@debian.org> To: leader@debian.org, outreach@debian.org CC: mapreri@debian.org, pocock@debian.org Hey all, As of today, the person I'm involved with, Pauline Pommeret, is applying to an Outreachy internship in Debian .... To avoid an obvious conflict of interest, I am recusing myself for any decisions regarding applicant selections for this round. ... Cheers, -- Nicolas Dandrimont
This sort of thing appears to be really common in Debian. Nobody can prove exactly who is doing it but people frequently complain about it. Why should other women waste time doing small projects without payment just to get an interview when other candidates are granted free travel to conferences with their partners?
Subject: retiring from Debian Date: Sun, 08 Feb 2015 19:25:00 +0100 From: Bartosz Fenski <bartosz@fenski.pl> To: debian-private@lists.debian.org I wasn't too active recently but with the latest activity of our leader and official support for women-mini-debconf I want to retire from the project. I don't want to be part of this anymore. Please hereby approve my retirenment statement. See you in project where everyone will be welcome. Not only women. regards Bartosz Fenski -- Please respect the privacy of this mailing list. Some posts may be declassified 3 years after posting as per http://www.debian.org/vote/2005/vote_002 Archive: file://master.debian.org/~debian/archive/debian-private/
People are complaining that this corruption runs throughout the whole organization. It is not about any one developer doing the wrong thing.
The English lawyer wrote another document where he does not deny the Mollamby hypothesis, he only says it is a privacy violation:
How can Molly boast about having a "whisper network", start silly rumors about the rest of our families and then insist on respect for her own privacy?
Who created the name Mollamby after all?
Here they were together at an OSI board meeting at the offices of Microsoft:
As DebConf19 approached things got worse. de Blanc posted comments on her blog about breaking up in April 2019:
A few weeks after that, people in Brazil took numerous photos of the Albanian women sitting with Chris Lamb at the DebConf dinner. They took photos from every direction and published them on Flickr. People speculated that Chris Lamb was lovestruck:
These were the words of Lamb:
Subject: Re: report from OSCAL'17 Date: Wed, 24 May 2017 09:06:53 +0200 From: Chris Lamb <lamby@debian.org> To: ... , debian-project@lists.debian.org, oscal@openlabs.cc [ ... snip ... ] Just to underline this. It was *extremely* remarkable and commendable that not only did the demographic skew of the organisers about 15-20 years younger than a typical conference, I would wager the gender split was around 70-80% female:male. The Albanian open source community is very healthy indeed. Regards, -- ,''`. : :' : Chris Lamb `. `'` lamby@debian.org / chris-lamb.co.uk `-
Remember when I asked if Carla could come to DebConf? They had a huge sook and a woman from Google sent this overbearing reply loaded with mock outrage:
Subject: Regarding your DebConf15 attendance Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2015 23:10:55 +0200 From: Margarita Manterola (Google, Inc) <marga@debian.org> CC: DebConf15 Registration team, chairs@debconf.org, bursaries@debconf.org Hi Daniel, We discussed today a certain arrangement regarding your registration (changing food+accom to food for your and your wife), that I was not actually entitled to make. This arrangement is not valid, [ ... snip the mock outrage ... ] The DebConf food and accommodation sponsorship is meant to help Debian contributors participate in the conference. It was granted to you, on the basis of your Debian contributions and it's not transferable, nor is it a sponsorship in cash that you can collect, it's meant to be used for your stay at DebConf and nothing else. Last year, you signed up for the conference but didn't attend, cancelling on the last minute, when you had already been assigned a roommate. [ ... snip ... ]
The two women sitting beside Lamb are Anisa Kuci and Kristi Progri from Albania.
When Google has so much money, when there is $120,000 for lawyers to attack a volunteer, why are the Google women like Marga insisting that male developers share rooms with roommates? Is this a ploy to make people leave their spouse at home and work more hours at DebConf?
The Albanian women are 15-20 years younger than Carla. Single, young, white European women. Why was Carla not permitted to have food at DebConf15 in South Africa but these younger Albanian women were eating at the table of the leader?
Once again, these women have rights to privacy but what about the privacy of Sonny Piers? Both of these women got free trips and paid jobs at the GNOME Foundation. Sonny Piers was a volunteer and somebody posted anonymous defamation about him using the GNOME Foundation discussion forum. When groups publish things like this in the forum, everybody in the group becomes subject to scrutiny. Here is the defamation of Sonny Piers:
Defamation attacks like this are an attack on the volunteer, an attack on the volunteer's employer and an attack on the volunteer's family.
Here is the tweet a few weeks after DebConf19 dinner when the Albanian woman sitting next to Lamb found out she was chosen for an internship worth $6,000. This was the beginning of her journey to the GNOME Foundation. The Outreachy internship salary is at least four times the normal salary in Albania:
Here is the Tweet when Molly's job at GNOME Foundation finished. Molly made this public herself, how can the lawyerists accuse people of violating her privacy?
Now look at the GNOME Foundation team list. Anisa Kuci, the woman who was sitting beside Chris Lamb at DebConf19 appears to have Molly's job. Molly and other women too all unceremoniously replaced with two women from Albania. As Lamb put it, 15-20 years younger.
I feel bad about the scrutiny on these women but on the other hand, after Chris Lamb and Molly de Blanc attacked my family, rogue Debianists started publishing rumors about a "relationship" in chat channels. We caught them in the Techrights IRC channel here:
and they keep at it, here is more gossip:
So much Debian money is spent on diversity (DEI). What are the results achieved from those expenditures? Is this good for women or is this good for the men who control the bank account?
Why are they asking the lawyerists to stop volunteers talking about the Mollamby phenomena when it is all highly visible on social media anyway?
Sonny Piers was a member of the GNOME Foundation board so he had a right to ask questions about women secretly added on the payroll.
Another GNOME Foundation board member is Erik Albers from FSFE, the fake FSF impersonaters. Matthias Kirschner, the FSFE president met with the former Debian leader Chris Lamb at SFSCon, Bolzano in Italy and shared the following report with the FSFE members:
One general wish -- which I agreed with -- from Debian was to better share information about people...
So GNOME Foundation published an obvious defamation of Sonny Piers but they don't want anybody to ask questions about the employees who published the defamation.
There are over 2,650 web sites using the Debian trademark in their domain name and nobody is making any effort to stop them. This wasn't about trademarks, it was about covering up evidence of a suicide cluster and obfuscating the truth about career prospects for women.
Please see the chronological history of how the Debian harassment and abuse culture evolved.