People are complaining about infrastructure and public services all over Ireland.
Yet in the Midlands-North-West region, things are far worse than in the rest of the country and the European Commission (EC) produced some rankings, the Regional Competitive Index, that appears to confirm what people are saying in the street.
During the European campaigns in May 2024, people frequently mentioned that the region was scraping the bottom of the barrel on one particular metric for infrastructure. I wanted to know where this figure comes from and what it really means.
The EC produced a rather large table with multiple metrics for each region. The data set is called the EU Regional Competitiveness Index 2.0 - 2022 edition. There is a web site where people can visualize some of the data.
The interactive charts are nice but to really understand the data it is helpful to load it into a spreadsheet so we can look at the region names and numbers side-by-side.
Further down the page there is a list of documents to download. One of those documents is a spreadsheet with the data, this is not the one we want but it is useful nonetheless. The title is RCI 2.0 - Raw data 2022, revised. ( backup copy of the data).
The document of interest is the spreadsheet RCI 2.0 - scores 2022 edition and back-calculations for 2019 and 2016 editions, revised. This takes the raw data values and combines them into scores for each region and each category. ( backup copy of the data).
The metric that has been mentioned so widely during the election campaigns is in column I, the "Infrastructure Pillar". We can highlight the entire table and sort (Descending order) on the Infrastructure Pillar to see where Ireland North West really appears in the table.
Looking at the table like this gives us some insights that we could not get from the interactive mapping tool. I'll elaborate below, but lets begin by looking at the table.
A | B | C | D | I | |
1 | REGION NAME | NUTS code | Stage of development | Rank | Infrastructure Pillar |
2 | Ile-de-France | FR10 | MD | 3 | 185.8 |
3 | Utrecht | NL31 | MD | 1 | 171.6 |
4 | Noord-Brabant | NL41 | MD | 4 | 168.3 |
5 | Zuid-Holland | NL33 | MD | 2 | 160.9 |
6 | Antwerpen | BE21 | MD | 11 | 160.4 |
7 | Gelderland | NL22 | MD | 9 | 159.7 |
8 | Darmstadt | DE71 | MD | 18 | 155.7 |
9 | Comunidad de Madrid | ES30 | MD | 36 | 154.3 |
10 | Amsterdam and its commuting zone | NL_C | MD | 4 | 153.6 |
11 | Cataluña | ES51 | MD | 108 | 152.4 |
12 | Karlsruhe | DE12 | MD | 19 | 150.5 |
13 | Liège | BE33 | TR | 59 | 150.1 |
14 | Köln | DEA2 | MD | 17 | 149.0 |
15 | Düsseldorf | DEA1 | MD | 16 | 148.9 |
16 | Rheinhessen-Pfalz | DEB3 | MD | 27 | 147.2 |
17 | Brussels and its commuting zone | BE_C | MD | 8 | 145.1 |
18 | Limburg (NL) | NL42 | MD | 13 | 145.0 |
19 | Oberbayern | DE21 | MD | 15 | 144.9 |
20 | Picardie | FRE2 | TR | 107 | 144.1 |
[ rows deleted ] | |||||
165 | Kentriki Makedonia | EL52 | LD | 199 | 61.3 |
166 | Sardegna | ITG2 | LD | 203 | 61.3 |
167 | Basse-Normandie | FRD1 | TR | 125 | 60.9 |
168 | Mazowiecki regionalny | PL92 | LD | 177 | 60.5 |
169 | Ciudad de Melilla | ES64 | LD | 194 | 60.5 |
170 | Severovýchod | CZ05 | TR | 123 | 60.1 |
171 | Jihozápad | CZ03 | TR | 131 | 59.8 |
172 | Länsi-Suomi | FI19 | TR | 56 | 58.9 |
173 | Kujawsko-pomorskie | PL61 | LD | 171 | 58.9 |
174 | Thessalia | EL61 | LD | 208 | 58.6 |
175 | Opolskie | PL52 | LD | 167 | 58.1 |
176 | Região Autónoma da Madeira | PT30 | LD | 182 | 57.6 |
177 | Umbria | ITI2 | TR | 163 | 57.3 |
178 | Kärnten | AT21 | MD | 91 | 57.0 |
179 | Övre Norrland | SE33 | MD | 75 | 56.7 |
180 | Valle d’Aosta/Vallée d’Aoste | ITC2 | MD | 175 | 56.6 |
181 | Lubuskie | PL43 | LD | 171 | 56.5 |
182 | Limousin | FRI2 | TR | 116 | 56.2 |
183 | Małopolskie | PL21 | LD | 127 | 55.9 |
184 | Voreio Aigaio | EL41 | LD | 217 | 55.2 |
185 | Západné Slovensko | SK02 | LD | 164 | 54.5 |
186 | Peloponnisos | EL65 | LD | 215 | 53.5 |
187 | La Réunion | FRY4 | LD | 183 | 53.3 |
188 | Região Autónoma dos Açores | PT20 | LD | 206 | 53.3 |
189 | Warmińsko-mazurskie | PL62 | LD | 188 | 52.6 |
190 | Corse | FRM0 | TR | 184 | 52.0 |
191 | Podlaskie | PL84 | LD | 181 | 51.8 |
192 | Sterea Elláda | EL64 | LD | 228 | 51.8 |
193 | Martinique | FRY2 | LD | 149 | 51.2 |
194 | Southern | IE05 | MD | 94 | 50.7 |
195 | Jadranska Hrvatska | HR03 | LD | 186 | 50.7 |
196 | Dél-Alföld | HU33 | LD | 192 | 50.4 |
197 | Észak-Alföld | HU32 | LD | 202 | 48.9 |
198 | Guadeloupe | FRY1 | LD | 188 | 48.5 |
199 | Vidurio ir vakarų Lietuvos regionas | LT02 | LD | 151 | 48.0 |
200 | Ionia Nisia | EL62 | LD | 218 | 47.3 |
201 | Sud-Muntenia | RO31 | LD | 230 | 46.8 |
202 | Észak-Magyarország | HU31 | LD | 207 | 46.3 |
203 | Notio Aigaio | EL42 | LD | 224 | 45.8 |
204 | Podkarpackie | PL82 | LD | 169 | 45.1 |
205 | Ciudad de Ceuta | ES63 | LD | 211 | 44.7 |
206 | Pohjois- ja Itä-Suomi | FI1D | TR | 84 | 44.6 |
207 | Yugoiztochen | BG34 | LD | 227 | 44.2 |
208 | Dytiki Elláda | EL63 | LD | 220 | 44.0 |
209 | Panonska Hrvatska | HR02 | LD | 195 | 41.5 |
210 | Mayotte | FRY5 | LD | 205 | 41.1 |
211 | Molise | ITF2 | LD | 197 | 40.2 |
212 | Basilicata | ITF5 | LD | 201 | 39.9 |
213 | Lubelskie | PL81 | LD | 180 | 37.9 |
214 | Kriti | EL43 | LD | 209 | 37.5 |
215 | Prov. Autonoma di Trento | ITH2 | MD | 141 | 36.5 |
216 | Sud-Est | RO22 | LD | 234 | 36.0 |
217 | Dél-Dunántúl | HU23 | LD | 197 | 35.1 |
218 | Prov. Autonoma di Bolzano/Bozen | ITH1 | MD | 160 | 34.8 |
219 | Northern and Western | IE04 | TR | 114 | 34.1 |
220 | Anatoliki Makedonia, Thraki | EL51 | LD | 225 | 34.0 |
221 | Vest | RO42 | LD | 223 | 33.5 |
222 | Východné Slovensko | SK04 | LD | 193 | 32.6 |
223 | Severoiztochen | BG33 | LD | 221 | 32.5 |
224 | Nord-Est | RO21 | LD | 233 | 31.8 |
225 | Åland | FI20 | MD | 106 | 30.0 |
226 | Świętokrzyskie | PL72 | LD | 187 | 30.0 |
227 | Severen tsentralen | BG32 | LD | 212 | 28.0 |
228 | Guyane | FRY3 | LD | 210 | 27.0 |
229 | Stredné Slovensko | SK03 | LD | 176 | 26.9 |
230 | Sud-Vest Oltenia | RO41 | LD | 231 | 26.7 |
231 | Centru | RO12 | LD | 229 | 24.8 |
232 | Dytiki Makedonia | EL53 | LD | 216 | 22.9 |
233 | Nord-Vest | RO11 | LD | 226 | 21.7 |
234 | Severozapaden | BG31 | LD | 232 | 19.8 |
235 | Ipeiros | EL54 | LD | 213 | 19.5 |
The numbers in the left column are the row numbers from the spreadsheet so they are off by one. We can see Ireland "Northern and Western" is at row number 219 very close to the bottom of the spreadsheet.
The first two letters of the NUTS code tells us the country. We can see most of the regions at the bottom of the list are the rural areas of eastern European countries like Romania (RO) and Bulgaria (BG). Many people left those countries to come and work in Dublin under the Freedom of Movement system.
The scores were calculated in 2022. The following year, on 28 February 2023, there was a notorious train crash in the Tempe Valley of Thessaly, Greece on the opposite side of the EU from Ireland.
When the infrastructure scores were calculated in Brussels, Thessaly was placed above Ireland North West. We can see Thessalia at row number 174 in the table. It has a score of 58.6. The score for Ireland North West is even lower, just 34.1.
After the Greek train crash, there was a lot of debate about the poor quality of infrastructure in their region. Should residents of Ireland's north and west be concerned?
Surely it couldn't get any worse? What does worse look like after all?
This is where it was much more useful to look at the table instead of using the interactive charts and maps on the web site. When I opened the table, I immediately saw the name "Guyane" just below Ireland. Guyane is an administrative region of France but it is actually located in South America. The only reason it is included in the table at all is because it is controlled by an EU country, France. So the table is telling us that Ireland North West is comparable to a South American country. French Guiana has a score of 27.0. So Ireland North West is a lot closer to French Guiana than it is to Thessaly.
According to the Wikipedia page for French Guiana, forty one percent of the country is part of the Amazon rainforest anyway. In other words, it is closer to Paddington Bear (trailer) than Paddington railway station.
Sadly, there was no Celtic Tiger for the north and west. However, there is a list of carnivorous mammals in French Guiana that includes Cougars and Jaguars.
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