Skype outage? reSIProcate to the rescue!

On Friday, the reSIProcate community released the latest beta of reSIProcate 1.10.0. One of the key features of the 1.10.x release series is support for presence (buddy/status lists) over SIP, the very thing that is currently out of action in Skype. This is just more proof that free software developers are always anticipating users' needs in advance.

reSIProcate 1.10.x also includes other cool things like support for PostgreSQL databases and Perfect Forward Secrecy on TLS.

Real free software has real answers

Unlike Skype, reSIProcate is genuine free software. You are free to run it yourself, on your own domain or corporate network, using the same service levels and support strategies that are important for you. That is real freedom.

Not sure where to start?

If you have deployed web servers and mail servers but you are not quite sure where to start deploying your own real-time communications system, please check out the RTC Quick Start Guide. You can read it online or download the PDF e-book.

Is your community SIP and XMPP enabled?

The Debian community has a federated SIP service, supporting standard SIP and WebRTC at for all Debian Developers. XMPP support was tested at DebConf15 and will be officially announced very soon now.

A similar service has been developed for the Fedora community and it is under evaluation at

Would you like to extend this concept to other free software and non-profit communities that you are involved in? If so, please feel free to contact me personally for advice about how you can replicate these successful initiatives. If your community has a Drupal web site, then you can install everything using packages and the DruCall module.

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