Installing the redmine_agile plugin package on Debian stretch

I’ve created packages of the redmine-agile plugin to make it easier to install on multiple Debian systems. These packages have been tested with the Redmine packages distributed with Debian 9.0 (stretch).

debify repository setup

Rather than distributing them through backports, I’m currently distributing this package through debify

To enable the legacy debify repository:

wget -O - | bash
sudo apt-add-repository 'deb stretch-redmineup main'

Install the packages

sudo apt update
sudo apt install redmine-plugin-agile

enable and test the plugin in Redmine

Log in to Redmine through your web browser.

Go to Administration -> Plugins and verify that the plugin appears.

Go to your list of Projects, click a project and click View all issues

On the right-hand side-bar, you should see a link to view the Agile board

If a lot of issues appear, you can use filters in the normal way to limit the Agile board to issues for a particular user or project.