My previous blog on interrupt-free computing has been very well read. I've had a look at some practical implementation possibilities and can share some more details about how to go about it and potential problems.
They say that a certain billionaire is so rich that he would not spend 5 seconds bending over to pick up a $100 banknote on the ground because he makes $500 in 5 seconds anyway. A man from Ethiopia may well run a marathon for the same $100. This little anecdote underlines the point that no two people have exactly the same priorities and it is hard to provide a one-size-fits-all solution. A good technical solution needs to let the user have some control over their own priorities as that will go a lot further in respecting their preferences, their objectives and their environment.
A practical example: some users may not want to be disturbed by a VoIP call while watching a movie with their PC. Other users may be quite happy to receive these interruptions. Some users may want to only allow this interruption from a subset of possible callers.
In the original blog on this subject I suggested that Thunderbird and it's popular plugin, Mozilla Lightning calendar would provide one useful framework for integrating events, alerts and to-do items of various grades of importance. I already use these applications myself, from the re-branded icedove and iceowl-extension packages on Debian. They are also available in Fedora and many other distributions.
An initial look at Lightning reveals a Priority attribute for tasks. It can be set to the values High, Medium or Low. These don't map to the concepts of Urgency and Importance from the Eisenhower method discussed in the original blog.
Potential hacks: there are two ideas that come to mind, with no coding changes:
A more elegant solution would be to develop an additional plugin that provides new attributes for the Urgency and Importance characteristics. For server-side storage of these attributes, it would be feasible to use extension properties as defined in RFC 2445, for example, X-urgency and X-importance
This approach would make it easier to view a large range of tasks across multiple domains with the most urgent and important tasks at the top.
Ideally, the Categories attribute of tasks can be used to distinguish tasks that relate to work (or project/client) from personal tasks (such as planning a holiday)
Some of the challenges that I've identified after reviewing this solution:
Given the text-based nature of the iCalendar format, it should be easy enough for any application that is capable of generating mail to generate these iCal events with X-Urgency and X-importance properties. These events - such as alerts about security updates - could then be dispatched through the system's mailer. Some additional effort may be needed to avoid duplication.
The notification system in the desktop UI may then prioritize events from the mailbox rather than showing all alerts in real-time. Only applications that implicitly need to do so (such as VoIP/chat clients) would display notifications to the user directly.
Finally, after gathering all the events for the user in a mailbox like this, it would be possible for the plugin to be configured to interrupt the user only when some event reaches the user's own urgency/importance threshold. For example: