List of Debian Domains to give away

On Friday, I announced my intention to give away some Debian domains to help increase diversity of voices in the Debian Community.

Some people have already made expressions of interest. To ensure the best results for the community, I plan to take a few days to review all the candidates.

One of the top questions: which domains are actually available?

debian.familyLooking at the 2021 mob against Dr Richard Stallman, it smells a lot like the plans of the Manson Family to start race riots
DebianGNULinux.orgAs we approach the 30th anniversary of Debian, let's not forget it was originally sponsored by Dr Richard Stallman at the FSF. Therefore, using the full name of Debian GNU/Linux together in a domain is a mark of respect. Some pages have deleted the link to Dr Stallman.
debian.chatHere I started publishing some of my work with Debian real-time communications, with an emphasis on chat/IM
debian.newsOne of many uncensored Debian Planet alternatives that have sprung up after the Debian Christmas lynchings
debian.videoHere I am publishing some of my talks about Debian work from DebConf and related events
debian.financeHere I am publishing some of my packages for financial software
debian.dayHere we can see the final emails of Frans Pop, the Debian Day Volunteer Suicide victim
debian.teamTeamwork would be a great improvement to Debian
debian.guideLet's improve the range of guides available for Debian users and developers. Here I show people how to use some of my Debian packages.
debianproject.orgA page to promote the Debian software project that we created together
debian.givingLet's raise money for unpaid volunteers with a .giving domain
debiancommunity.orgIt is rumoured that Jonathan Carter paid over $20,000 to steal and censor the domain I will give him this one for free if he publishes the legal bills. As it says in the Debian Social Contract, point 3, we won't hide problems.

If you would like to take over one of these domains, please see my previous blog about the subject and get in touch with me.

Richard Stallman, FSF