Aggregating tasks from multiple issue trackers

November 10, 2015 RTC: announcing XMPP, SIP presence and more

November 09, 2015

Problems observed during Cambridge mini-DebConf RTC demo

November 08, 2015

How much of Linux will be illegal in the UK?

November 03, 2015

FOSDEM 2016 Real-Time Communications dev-room and lounge

November 02, 2015

Lumicall rapid provisioning, Opus support and other enhancements

October 29, 2015

reSIProcate 1.10 release

October 29, 2015

Free Real-Time Communications workshop in Manchester, 2 November

October 28, 2015

New planet sites for SIP

October 22, 2015

A mission statement for free real-time communications

October 21, 2015