Adrian von Bidder-Senn died on 17 April 2011. The date is confirmed in numerous places. I've previously pointed out that this death, which may be part of the Debian Suicide Cluster, was on the same day as our wedding. What an amazing gift from the Debian " family".
Another key fact is that it was Palm Sunday, the Sunday before Easter. On Palm Sunday, the Bible gives us the story of Jesus Christ arriving in Jerusalem:
Jesus wept (John 11:35). Yes, Jesus knew he was going to raise Lazarus from the dead, but that didn't stop him from experiencing the grief of his death in the here and now. And the onlookers recognize the significance of this. So the Jews said, “See how he loved him!” (John 11:36)
The implication is that Jesus knew he was going to die. Why didn't he simply turn around and go back?
But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8)
Adrian's widow is Diana von Bidder-Senn who now has a role in the Evangelical People's Party of Switzerland (EVP). In German, the term Evangelical is equivalent to the term Protestant in English. It is essentially a Christian-Democratic party.
Basel, where they lived, is regarded as a Protestant canton / city although in practice the role of religion is gradually declining in Switzerland. The number of Catholics in Basel is almost on par with the number of Protestants.
Rogue Debianists have insulted my family with all kinds of rumors over the last few years. Coincidentally, the cousin who was in the choir of Cardinal Pell was a groomsman at our wedding, once again, on the same day that Adrian von Bidder-Senn died, Palm Sunday. Where was I on the day the Cardinal died? In Italy. Was that because of the rogue Debianists, the Cardinal or a bit of both?
Please see the chronological history of how the Debian harassment and abuse culture evolved.