FOSSASIA 2016 at the Science Centre Singapore

March 18, 2016

Google Summer of Code opportunities for ham radio and SDR

March 12, 2016

Machine Learning for Hackers with Debian and Ubuntu

March 04, 2016

FOSSASIA 2016, pgDay Asia 2016 and MiniDebConf Singapore

February 16, 2016

FOSDEM RTC Dev-room schedule published

January 11, 2016

Comments about people with mental illness

January 09, 2016

Want to use free software to communicate with your family in Christmas 2016?

January 06, 2016

Promoting free software and free communications on popular social media networks

January 05, 2016

Real-Time Communication in FOSDEM 2016 main track

December 29, 2015

TADHack Paris - 12-13 December 2015

December 12, 2015