
If you wish to donate to the Software Freedom Institute, please see the donation instructions on the Institute's web site.

Any donations that you make are regulated by the Standards in Public Office.

If you are making a donation as an individual private person

This information is correct for donations where you disclose your identity and make payment by bank transfer to the account below.

Anonymous cash donations are subject to lower limits.

ResidenceNationalityMaximum donation
In IrelandanyEUR 1,000
AbroadIrish citizens onlyEUR 1,000

Please see the bank details below.

If you are making a donation as a group or a company

Your group or company must be domiciled in Ireland or have an office presence in Ireland with at least one principle activity directed from Ireland.

If you wish to make donations above the EUR 200 limit, you need to follow the instructions to register with SIPO.

Registered with SIPOMaximum donation
NoEUR 200
YesEUR 1,000

Bank account

Name: Daniel POCOCK


IBAN: IE55AIBK93107132790156

Sort code: 931071

Account: 32790156

To help me ensure compliance, please send me an email after you send the payment.