Google Summer of Code opportunities in JavaScript, HTML5, jQuery and WebRTC

March 02, 2014

Google Summer of Code opportunities in data science and machine learning with Ganglia

February 28, 2014

Free communications software takes another big jump

February 26, 2014

GSoC Organisations announced, Ganglia selected for 2014

February 24, 2014

Debian SIP without reading the manual

February 05, 2014

If you thought systemd proponents were bad....

January 31, 2014

Lumicall: giving you choice when you dial

January 29, 2014

A quick look at ENUM mapping telephone numbers to DNS

January 27, 2014

WebRTC calling from Firefox on CyanogenMod to Chromium on Debian wheezy

January 26, 2014

Beyond init systems: other opportunities for simplification

January 26, 2014