Outreachy and GSoC 2017 opportunities in Computer Security, Cryptography, PGP and Python

October 11, 2016

Outreachy and GSoC 2017 opportunities in Multimedia Real-Time Communication

October 11, 2016

DVD-based Clean Room for PGP and PKI

October 10, 2016

Arrival at FSFE Summit and QtCon 2016, Berlin

September 02, 2016

Let's Encrypt torpedoes cost and maintenance issues for Free RTC

July 11, 2016

Can you help with monitoring packages in Debian and Ubuntu?

July 07, 2016

Avoiding SMS vendor lock-in with SMPP

July 06, 2016

WebRTC and communications projects in GSoC 2016

June 20, 2016

PostBooks, PostgreSQL and pgDay.ch talk

May 23, 2016

LinuxWochen, MiniDebConf Vienna and Linux Presentation Day

April 24, 2016